Friday, October 23, 2009

First Creek Neighbors - November Meeting Notice

Find out how you can be part of the great things happening in our community!

Attend the monthly meeting of
First Creek Neighbors

Wednesday November 4, 2009
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Portland Avenue Community Center
3513 Portland Avenue

Good News: Our September Clean-up was a great success. Our 92 participants got rid of 46 tons of junk and 333 tires. We had over 30 volunteers that helped with the event. Thank you to all participants and our sponsors, the City and the Puyallup Tribe.

Link to article in The Tacoma Weekly about the Clean-up:

We look forward to seeing you at our November meeting.
For more information call Edwina at 474-7083

More good news.

Priorities for First Creek Neighbors in 2009:
* Reduce gang activity
* Clean-up the community and Creek
* Stop illegal dumping
* Suppress fireworks
* Make opportunities for community social gatherings
* Fill pot holes

Things All of Us Can Do to Have a Cleaner and Safer Community.
* Speak to your neighbors. Learn their names and their children’s names.
* Pick up trash from in front of your house even if you did not put it there. Also pick up trash in your neighborhood.
* Use your 2 free yearly call-2-hauls to get rid of household junk. To arrange for a pick-up call-573-2468 (Only available for residents of single family or duplex houses)
* Leave your porch light on all night

Neighborhood Accomplishments So Far:
* Cleaned up a Meth Lab
* Closed 16 Drug Houses
* Closed Marijuana Growing Operation
* Hauled 201 Tons of Junk
* Lights Restored in Portland Avenue Park
* Illegal Encampments Closed
* Organized an Active Neighborhood Patrol
* Cleaned up Numerous Problem Houses
* Our Own Blog –

Resolution passed by Tacoma City Council in support of City/Puyallup Tribe/community collaboration to create a stewardship plan for First Creek. The creek and open space area around it is becoming a community asset and the fall is a good time to visit and see the lovely colors.

Over 50 people attended our candidates forum in October.
Don't forget to Vote before November 3rd

Scheduled Events
Citizen’s Patrol-Ongoing
Winter Ivy Removal from trees in the First Creek Open Space. Email Dan Fear at if you're interested in volunteering.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Safety Tips from First Creek Neighbors

Hello Everyone,
Just a few tips for your information and Safety:

1. It has been reported to us that the Dometop area has had several robberies or door kick-ins. Jeanie Peterson (Hilltop Action Coalition) can tell you how to easily make your doors kick-proof if you need that information. Alarms will help and keeping doors locked even when home.

2. Keeping our porch lights on all night deter criminal activity. It only costs about $5 per year to keep that light on.

3. If you see a crime in progress call 911 and Tribal Police 680-5656.

4. If you see something suspicious call non-emergency 798-4721. If you are not sure which to call 911 and they will sort it out by priority. FYI non-emergency and 911 calls are routed to the same call center. If you’ve never attended on of the Neighborhood Patrol Academies it is a great way to gain insight and understanding into how police calls are dispatched and followed-up on.

5. Unsightly yards let criminals know that we don’t care about the neighborhood and so they feel invited to move in or rob us so, please, if you see yards or alleys piled with junk or with overgrown grass or blackberries, trash strewn about, junk vehicles, or graffiti call Tacoma Cares 591-5001.

6) Rain Tips from the City of Tacoma:
a) Keep storm drains clear of leaves and debris by using a broom or rake. Drains near street corners and low areas of streets and parking lots usually need special attention. Remember to be safe; do not wade into flooded areas.

b) Dispose of fallen leaves and other yard debris properly. City of Tacoma single-family residents can place leaves and yard debris in their brown yard waste container, compost them in their garden or take them to the Tacoma Landfill. Please do not blow leaves into the street.

c) Direct downspouts at least 10 feet away from your home or business, and make sure your gutters are clear of any debris.

d) Use landscape barriers, such as rocks (or sandbags), to prevent bark, dirt and other landscape materials from washing into the streets and clogging drains.

e) If you’re in an area where flooding is known to occur, keep sandbags on hand and put valuables in a safe place.

6. Lastly, for now, please get to know your neighbors and their children. Know who belongs in the neighborhood and who does not. Don’t allow anyone to talk their way into your home unless you call to check them out first. Keep your eyes and ears open for anything suspicious and report it even if you are not sure if you should or not. Let the professionals determine the nature of the incident.

Be safe and be happy.

Thank you,

Lena Thompson
First Creek Neighbors