Friday, April 23, 2010

First Creek Neighborhood Clean-up

It's Spring Clean-up time around First Creek. Join the fun and make our neighborhood better and cleaner on Saturday, April 24th, from 10-1. The City of Tacoma and the Puyallup Tribe are being dumpsters to us and you can drop-off stuff you want to get rid of. There are some rules like what you can and cannot bring, and you have to show ID that indicates you are from the First Creek area (lower Portland Avenue and Roosevelt Hieghts).

Also, if you want to join us at Fairbanks and First Creek we'll have numberous work parties picking up litter and removing invasive plants (Ivy) along the creek.

Come on out Saturday morning rain or shine, we'll be making improvements to the neighborhood. If you need to talk with someone or get lost, call Dan at (253) 304-2808

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