Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Creek Neighbors
May 2011 Meeting

First Creek Neighbors

Invites You to Attend Our Monthly Meeting

6:30pm, Wednesday, May 4
The Portland Ave. Community Center
3513 Portland Avenue


Preview of the presentation about First Creek Neighbors and the Green Thumb Garden that will be made at Neighborhoods USA Conference towards the end of May

Find out about what's going on in the First Creek Neighborhood, meet your neighbors, learn about the First Creek Watershed and our Community Gardens

Please join us!


The results are in! First Creek Neighbors came in Third Place nationally.
Very good showing for our community group and for Tacoma.

1 comment:

Douglas Tooley said...

I couldn't find the presentation at the NUSA site. It still sounds great, even if I've never heard of the organization in 30 years of lay community work.

The larger networking stuff is important, but don't forget the most important thing about neighborhood groups is 100% inclusion - if that's too much of an effort the geographic area for the group is too big, period.