Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eastside Community Garden Work Party

Successful work party to clean-up the new Eastside Community Garden, April 27th. A Special thank you goes to Bellarmine High students and teachers, and to Habitat for Humanity for organizing the garden clean-up.

We have two community garden sites on Portland Avenue. For this work party we primarily worked on the property at 32nd Street, owned by the Puyallup Tribe. They're working with the community and neighbors to help make a successful garden.

This work was focused on removing blackberry roots as well as bricks and cement on the property. The tree planters along Portland Avenue were weeded and are ready for some beautiful plants. The grass was also cut in the parking area between our two gardens.

There's still work to be done, if you have time stop by the garden and grub out a blackberry root or two. No need to wait for a work party, however rumor has it that on Friday morning, May 7th, you might see some neighbors out working at the garden site.

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